Atomization and Sprays Short Course (A&SSC)


March 14-15, 2025

Friday - Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

In this course you will receive an introduction to the theory of atomization and evaporation and how these concepts connect to practical devices used in various applications including fuel injection, coatings, and pharmaceuticals. The course will be given at UC Irvine in the UCI Combustion Laboratory facility. Classroom presentations will be complemented with laboratory experiences using various diagnostic methods to measure representative sprays in the test cells of the UCI Combustion Laboratory (

Entrance Standards: While no precise prerequsites exist, it is assumed that the registrant holds a university degree of equivalent qualifications in science and engineering.

For Technical Information, Contact:
Professor Vincent McDonell
Phone 949.824.5950 x11121
Fax 949.824.7423
Email mcdonell @

For Registration Contact:
Jeff Wojciechowski
Phone 949.824.5950 x11-115
Fax 949.824.7423
Email jsw @