April 4, 2022— Principal investigators: Erdem Sasmaz, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, and Bihter Padak, co-principal investigator and assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering Award: $444,124.00 over three years Funding agency: National Science Foundation Division of Engineering Education and Centers Project: REU Site - Interdisciplinary Research Experience on Decarbonization: Path to 2035 As an NSF Research for Undergraduates (REU) site, UC Irvine will offer a nine-week interdisciplinary summer program related to sustainable energy pathways in the schools of engineering and physical sciences. The REU students will be exposed to comprehensive decarbonization research topics and learn interdisciplinary approaches to tackle the science and engineering challenges of achieving net-zero carbon emissions. The program will support 10 non-UCI undergraduate students each year for three years. Students will mainly be recruited from underrepresented groups and diverse backgrounds. They will participate in workshops to develop research, leadership, career development and team-building skills. More information: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2150523&HistoricalAwards=false